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Fixed copying examples from Wiki in the UOPilot. Added electronic purses in the form "About". Open in the browser. Fixed return arrays from procedures, when changing in procedure the last column or row of the array. Return incorrect coordinates for Y. Corrected reference to the variables 'timer' and 'workwindow' of other scripts. uopilot 2.15

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The size of the variable to display in the log has been increased to 16k. The following text fragments have a small font size. Fixed the opening of the form of the character's parameters outside the screen, in the presence of several monitors. Added the ability to specify the name of the functions of the plug-ins, parameters and the way in the RMB menu in the pilot.

Uopolot 'findimage' understands the indication of coordinates with using the array elements. Added one more variant of fuzzy string uopklot. A positive number defines sorting by columns, negative - by rows. Fixed problem that occurs when you right-click on a multi-line elements with text on the form "About". He is called on "F1" on the operator in a script or at the top of the RBM menu in a script. Move the commands loading, reloading and unloading of plugins to the plugins menu. Returns handle of a windows Has added an opportunity of setting a working window from script 'set WorkWindow handle' 'sendex' any more does not activate the chosen application.

Uopilot download

Remade the command 'Exec' as 'ExecAndWait'. Hid the UO tab in the settings, fixed the exception associated with it. Added a backups system. Temporarily sets the working directory for the location of the executable file. We test Has corrected a mistake, because of which were replaced not all variable in a line Some probable exceptions are corrected It is a lot of fine improvements and corrections v.

Added search toolbar in the help.

uopilot 2.15

RU top-level domain registry. Added the function of loading the image from file 'LoadImage filename '. Returns the integer part of 'x' divided by 'y'. If the value in the 'writemem' command is enclosed in quotation marks, the quotes are removed.

Added the ability to start, stop and pause scripts by their names by file name. Now she must understand the paths with spaces. Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 3.

uopilot 2.15

Returned "read-only" to development history. In mouse clicks added ability to set random offset of coordinates within the specified range: Corrected editing script in pause mode. Added some unnecessary processing functions of real numbers uopilo strings Added the opportunity to expect completion of the running script Added the ability to edit suspended script.

Added the ability to comment on a block of code in Lua scripts. Fixed renaming of his window when you turn on the checkbox "Show running scripts on the taskbar.

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Combined "Help" and "History". Added color search in the loaded area to the 'findcolor' function. Donations If You like our project, and You are interested in its further development and regular updates, support us by making a donation.

Fixed the creation of the log when calling procedures. The syntax is similar to the command 'sendex'. uopilpt

By default it is disabled. Added variables that contain the path to the current script 'scriptPath' and the name of the script 'scriptName'.


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