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Enjoy the new feeling of Quake 3 Arena! Without the ThreeWave Pack, there is a chance you will have missing textures. Check the readme file that came with the map. The results are here: I was able to reproduce your config with a lot of the same pk3s, although there were some models and obscure paks that I didn't have. Try the ioquake3 version too, it has heaps of improvements over the default engine. If you're playing a mod it will copy that q3config. quake 3 baseq3 folder

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I tried running the game once, then searched for it again some games create files at first startup but still no q3config.

This will ffolder you some information about what type of game mode the map has been designed for. My current and only issue is that not all the maps show up.

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I might look into implementing a patch of my own based on the ioq3 VM code, but it wouldn't have all the features of something like UI enhanced. The 90's are calling When I load a player model, some of the characters have missing textures, and some are corrupted in size and shape.

The map requires a mod for it to work correctly. Sign up using Email and Password.

quake 3 - Where should the file be? - Arqade

And yes, I am using UI Enhanced 1. Sign in or join with: Common issues Some maps baaeq3 not appear in the menu system when you browse for them. I have installed quake 3 using the pro installer and searched my entire hard drive for the file, but it's simply not there. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Create a 'HQQ' directory where the quake3.

How to play a Q3A map - LvL - Quake 3 Arena Maps (Q3A Custom Maps)

Do not download any other pak files as this is the only one you need. For this example I will use c: Try the ioquake3 version too, it has heaps of improvements over the default engine.

In this case it would be c: I have tried the fix, and only a fraction of the maps appear in the maplist, whereas before I applied this fix, base3q could appear before my game started crashing due to too many.

quake 3 baseq3 folder

Active 6 years, 6 months ago. Only registered members can share their thoughts. You can also download 1. I think it was.

UI Enhanced is the only mod baseeq3 I know of that increases max slots in the maplist, and if you could recommend some new ones that you may know of, that would be great!

I will report back once I try this fix. The problem is, I get kicked out of the game with this error.

ZerTerO Jan 21 The pak9hqq file does not change the cinematics. The same thing goes for models. All files are automatically loaded.

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There are two download links to choose from on the Download page. Guest May 18 Keep up the good work.

quake 3 baseq3 folder

Unfortunately I don't know of any mod currently that fully increases the slot limits. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. The results are here: You folser not put the PK3 into the baseq3 folder.


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